
Posts Tagged ‘Web 2.0’

SWFObject Codebase Moves to Google Code

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While doing some Flash coding today I noticed the SWFObject homepage had a notice that all the code had moved to Google Code as the new and improved (lowercase) swfobject. For anyone not familiar with swfobject, it is (IMHO) the de facto JavaScript library/API for embedding and enabling Adobe Flash applications on the web. Version 2.0 has been completely revamped with a pretty steep upgrade path, so do not do it lightheartedly.

<swfobject> google Project Page

AddThis Bookmark Service Widget

AddThis Social Bookmark Button

Today, while reading an article on, I ran across a cool widget for the AddThis bookmarking service. I had seen it a few months ago but had forgotten about it. It is a great interaction enhancement for an embedded cross site web feature (EXSWF).

AddThis Widget

Embedding Windows Live Messenger

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Learning is fun. Here is the somewhat new embedded MSN (Live) messenger control. We were trying to determine how or where you would actually implement this, but for now, cool factor will suffice.