Posts Tagged ‘Other Resources’
Saturday, January 6th, 2007
Not quite Sudoku but hey, its addicting and tastes great too without all those extra calories.
Not quite Sudoku but hey, its addicting and tastes great too without all those extra calories.
A bizarre sign for an even more horrific danger
Wednesday, January 4th, 2006
Overlooking all the swearing and off-color remarks, this is a particularly interesting blog post about a ‘bizarre sign’ hanging above this escalator.
Read the comments about the purpose for this sign, its an eye opener to say the least (if legitimate.)
Overlooking all the swearing and off-color remarks, this is a particularly interesting blog post about a ‘bizarre sign’ hanging above this escalator.
Read the comments about the purpose for this sign, its an eye opener to say the least (if legitimate.)
Amazon Wishlist Badge
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005
In my quest to saturate with meaningful content rather than desecrate it with worthless drivel, I ran across a cool little tool that will allow me to present you, my devoted fan-base, the desires of my heart, Amazon junk! As soon as I have time to actually put it online, it will be a great addition to my already worthless side-bar.
In my quest to saturate with meaningful content rather than desecrate it with worthless drivel, I ran across a cool little tool that will allow me to present you, my devoted fan-base, the desires of my heart, Amazon junk! As soon as I have time to actually put it online, it will be a great addition to my already worthless side-bar.
Time well spent in Idaho
Wednesday, November 16th, 2005
I ran across this link from a well known local web site (that I will not mention for fear of retribution from family and friends). It appears the legislaters of Idaho have opted to include a bill to commemorate Jared Hess and the making of Napoleon Dynamite.
I ran across this link from a well known local web site (that I will not mention for fear of retribution from family and friends). It appears the legislaters of Idaho have opted to include a bill to commemorate Jared Hess and the making of Napoleon Dynamite.
Create your own ‘Veeper’
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005
Gracias to a friend of mine at work for this splended resource. In a nutshell, it generates self-animated, computer automated ‘virtual people’. It appears the American Honda Corporate is using the Veepers technologies offered by Plus 3D to promote its Latino web site. I’ve already spent far too much time playing with this to even start to elaborate on the possibilities. Perhaps those of you visiting can come up with more exciting ‘veepers’.
Gracias to a friend of mine at work for this splended resource. In a nutshell, it generates self-animated, computer automated ‘virtual people’. It appears the American Honda Corporate is using the Veepers technologies offered by Plus 3D to promote its Latino web site. I’ve already spent far too much time playing with this to even start to elaborate on the possibilities. Perhaps those of you visiting can come up with more exciting ‘veepers’.
by Mister Jalopy’s Hoopty Rides
Tuesday, September 13th, 2005
Praying Mantis preys hummingbird, this cannot be good
Friday, August 12th, 2005
Snopes Unanswerables
Monday, August 1st, 2005
I got this from work. I use Snopes all the time to validate e-mails, rumors, etc. Unbelievable some of the questions people actually ask.
I got this from work. I use Snopes all the time to validate e-mails, rumors, etc. Unbelievable some of the questions people actually ask.