
Posts Tagged ‘Other Resources’

Online Game Map Atlas

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Ever wonder how to get from point A to point B in Mario World? What about The Legen of Zelda? Well, wonder no more.

Googlex Revisited

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It appears speculations flying around about Google pulling it’s googlex labs page are true, thus I’ve decided to put an example of the slick and MACicized googlex page here.


Googlex: MACicized

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A version of the Google homepage that resembled the Mac OS X UIT appeared at but was taken down less then 24 hours after it was first posted on Google’s blog.

Here is a screen grab of it in case this link dies.

Rockfonts 2005

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Everyone else on the web is linking to this, I figured I would too. A compilation of a whole slew of rock bands fonts.

Microsoft Online Security Resource for Parents

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I ran across a great resource put out by Microsoft to help parents deal with the inherent security issues of the internet, particularly regarding children using the web.

Baby Name Statistics

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I ran across this page a week or so ago and have had some people talking about it now so I figured I’d put it on here as it appears to be a topic of interests. Very well put together Java applet on baby name statistics for the past century or so.

BoonDoggle Man!

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The folks at work and I were discussing the important things of life: body for life, hair, knots, tying knots with our hair, creating ropes, and somehow we ended up on the topic of boondoggle. For those non-eagle-scouts our there, boondoggle is

…a simple, extruded plastic lace, many people refer to as gimp! Gimp, a flat plastic lace made of flexible PVC, is a staple for the craft industry… By taking a piece or two of this product, you can weave, braid, or otherwise knot it to create a VAST variety of interesting projects.

Anyway, we began to wonder if there were any website out there that discussed the topic of ‘boondoggle’. Glory be…behold

Kodak Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures

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For those of us that have owned a digital camera for over 3 years but still have no idea how to make people stop smudging and colors from bleeding, this artice was meant for us.