
Posts Tagged ‘Management’

How to Delete a Windows Service

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I have used the service controller command line tool for years. I have finally decided to write something up on it briefly since I have been working with various frameworks/systems that are not completely removing their services after uninstalling them.

  1. Open services applet/application: Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Services
  2. Locate offending Service
  3. Double-click OR Right-click | Properties
  4. Copy the ‘Display Name’ property
  5. Stop the service
  6. Exit service information screen and services applet
  7. Start | Run | cmd | OK
  8. Type: cs delete “%PASTE OR TYPE THE SERVICE NAME HERE%”
  9. Hit enter key
  10. Service has been deleted

You may or may not be able to delete the service depending on it’s dependencies. You will need to follow the chain down to any child services if that is the case and delete them first. You may also be required to reboot.

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