
Legal or Not, Behold The Simpsons Video Archive

By the time you read this the site will probably will have been blocked, but until then, enjoy.

USDA Releases New Food Pyramid (and Website)

Jack-in-the-Box Notorious Voicemail

I had posted this prior to the site being hacked and am re-posting for reference purposes only. I was able to also find a Snopes article on the veracity of this audio file. True or not, it’s still one of the most hillarious things I’ve heard in a long time.

If the above link ever goes away, here is the audio file.

And here is the Snopes article on the subject.

Adobe-media Now a Reality

Being a web developer I cannot really see anything good coming out of this other than Adobe swatting some of the greatest web interactive tools on the market.


A great article on the ins and outs of UNICODE. Something I ran across a couple of years ago but have yet to add it for reference.

Dog Judo :)


Be within close proximity of a restroom when you go to this site!

Gotta love the ‘Power Dates’.

“…reminds me of clothes my mother used to wear..”.


The Ultimate in Family Entertainment

Gibby’s Game room, the ultimate in good, wholesome family entertainment.


Islands Earth

If only I had the money.