
Sad Realization : Vista User Account Control

So much to say about Windows Vista’s User Account Control (which I’ve disabled on all my Vista boxes) has to be the most bloated, irreverent, obtrusive security methodology I have ever seen in an Operating System. However much I loath Apple and it’s hypocritical marketing tactics, I have to admit, they hit it right on the head with this one.

Here is the link to Apple’s ads page.

Pachelbel Rant

It’s late and I’m tired. Somehow I managed across this rant by Rob Paravonian. I think many of you can relate to the humor behind his rant on Pachelbel Canon.


Not quite Sudoku but hey, its addicting and tastes great too without all those extra calories.


Transformers Movie Trailer 2

It’s late so I will keep this short. In following the Transformers Movie I have come across the following newest trailer.

Yes, it is wicked, and yes, you will watch it over and over again.


When A = B

Somehow Nicole found an old birthday card my dad gave me a couple of years ago. Inside the card, was a gift card to Red Lobster worth $25…SWEET! I wanted to make sure there was still a balance remaining so I called the number provided on the back of the card to check my the balance. “Yes, there is $14.25 left on your card” What? How [the hell] do I have a balance of $14.25 on a $25 gift card that I’ve never used? “Well sir, there are monthly maintenance fees taken after a certain period of time (in this case $1.50 per month over the period of 2 or 3 years.) I’LL SHOW YOU FEES YA THIEF. What a complete joke. Oh if I had the time and energy to pursue this issue further. Sadly, I don’t and have already wasted enough time already BaM’ing about it.


Gift card theft

To recycle or not to recycle, I could care less

A nightly occurrence at the Skowronek home is the inevitable discussion between Nicole and I regarding what should or should not be included in the ‘recyclables‘ bin. Had it been left up to me, the under-the-cabinet space used to stockpile our garbage and recyclables would have started as a single collective bin. However, as that decision was made for us by our builder, we now have yet another point of debate to captivate our lives. As a matter of fact, I find myself intentionally throwing so-called ‘recyclable’ refuse in the garbage in hopes of creating a brief spell of hostility in Nicole. Oh the thrill! Forget finances, sex and other trivial subject matters. Bring on a nasty, crumpled up, useless, used strip of Reynolds wrap and I’m good.

All your stench are belong to us

Why do smokers have to throw their damn cigarette butts everywhere other than the trash can? That’s just what I relish to see, dozens of soggy butts stenching up the fountain in front of the theater tonight. Feel free to contaminate your lungs but please, leave my fountains alone.

Create Multiple Web Sites on XP Version of IIS

‘ Create an instance of the virtual directory object
‘ that represents the default Web site.
Set IIsWebVDirRootObj = GetObject(“IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root”)

‘ Use the Windows ADSI container object “Create” method to create
‘ a new virtual directory.
Set IIsWebVDirObj = IIsWebVDirRootObj.Create(“IIsWebVirtualDir”, “NewVDir”)

‘ Use the Windows ADSI object “Put” method to
‘ set some required properties.
IIsWebVDirObj.Put “Path”, “C:\NewContent”
IIsWebVDirObj.Put “AccessRead”, True
IIsWebVDirObj.Put “AccessScript”, True

‘ Use the AppCreate2 method of the IIS ADSI provider to
‘ create an application on the new virtual directory.
IIsWebVDirObj.AppCreate2 1
IIsWebVDirObj.Put “AppFriendlyName”, “NewApp”

‘ Use the Windows ADSI object “SetInfo” method to
‘ save the data to the metabase.