
When A = B

Somehow Nicole found an old birthday card my dad gave me a couple of years ago. Inside the card, was a gift card to Red Lobster worth $25…SWEET! I wanted to make sure there was still a balance remaining so I called the number provided on the back of the card to check my the balance. “Yes, there is $14.25 left on your card” What? How [the hell] do I have a balance of $14.25 on a $25 gift card that I’ve never used? “Well sir, there are monthly maintenance fees taken after a certain period of time (in this case $1.50 per month over the period of 2 or 3 years.) I’LL SHOW YOU FEES YA THIEF. What a complete joke. Oh if I had the time and energy to pursue this issue further. Sadly, I don’t and have already wasted enough time already BaM’ing about it.


Gift card theft

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